dttwexsOur DevotedToTomWelling (DTTW) staff member JayPat had the chance to visit Smallville‘s sets in Vancouver. He has nine photos for us to share. You see Tom Welling wearing Clark‘s new costume while performing a scene.

It was a stunt scene which has likely something to do with Clark‘s powers. He has focused on Tom Welling mainly on the pictures but you can see a few other known people in the pictures, too. The scene will be showed in Smallville’s episode 9.04 ‘Echo’.

He shared also some tibits and reports what he saw during they filming 9.04 ‘Echo’ and likely also 9.05 ‘Idol’. You can read his feelings in the Fan Encounters & Sightings forums – HERE.

If you want to share them on your site please make sure that you give credit to ‘JayPat@DTTW‘.

If you want to see the spoilery pictures, you can go to DevotedToSmallville‘s (DTS) gallery – HERE.